Right in the Feels


Did you know, that music is more effective in overcoming depression than counselling?

I read this on a billboard on my way to work, as music sifted through my car during early morning traffic. The thought that came to mind was “Music can also put you in a depressive mood.” which got me thinking about music in general and the power it has over us, our emotions and for me, my writing.

A friend of mine is a pianist for the Johannesburg Youth Orchestra, and I recently had the privilege of watching him perform with the orchestra and a selection of famous musical talents. The event was amazing, the music awe-inspiring and the entire auditorium was moved by each piece that was played. That is the power of music.

We see it again displayed at almost every concert, regardless of genre and regardless of type of character. People were made for music, both to create it and to enjoy it. For millennia past, music has been a part of the human world and at times been the source of creative inspiration or cultural change. Just look at the effect Rock and Blues had.

Yesterday I put up a post asking the world “Where is my Muse?” I didn’t even realize it until later that I was listening to music while I was writing that article. Then on my way home, while my music was on shuffle, a particular song started to play. Without being consciously aware of what was happening, a story had begun to formulate, characters and scenes were playing out in my mind’s eye, and just like that my Muse had returned.

It was also at that moment I realized that music is my muse. That billboard I saw this morning only reinforced this idea of music as my muse and now I’m on a mission to find music that inspires.

Do you have any music that inspires you to write? You are more than welcome to share it with me.

About Nthato Morakabi

Nthato Morakabi is a South African published author. He has stories appearing in both international and local anthologies. He is an avid reader, blogger and writer.

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